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Customize your online flipbooks, setting a background, adding logo, videos, photo galleries and more. Share your flipbooks with your audience and track their performance in real-time. Make your online flipbook appealing by adding interactive elements such as videos, photos, links and audio files. Turn your PDFs into a powerful online sales tool. Use easy-to-distribute online flipbooks to present your products in a spectacular way and add links to your online store.
I’m a blonde Laura and I’m here to provide you with an unforgettable experience. I’m the girl-next-door type who loves to have a good time. It looks like the flipbook you would like to access has been deleted, or link has expired. Create your own mobile application to keep all your product data in one central location. Publish your flip book on Google Play and Appstore for your clients to always have an instant and offline access to it.
You can construct many different scenarios for yourself – a strict teacher, a young schoolgirl, a smoky sales girl, a dissolute nurse, our girls are ready to play any roles. We can offer any girl depending on your circumstances. What we definitely don’t recommend to do in Dubai is to look for fun on the streets or in bars.
Its pages rustle when you flip through them and have characteristic shadows and reflections. What distinguishes an online flipbook from a physical document is the possibility of adding interactive elements to it. With Publuu, you can enhance your flip html5 e-book, e-magazine or e-catalog with photo galleries, videos, links or audio files, added as animated hotspots. All online flipbooks are mobile optimized and easily accessible from any device. You can also track your digital flipbooks performance – the number of views, the time spent on each page and viewers interaction with hotspots – with a simple-to-use statistic panel. Convert PDF into an online flipbook with a realistic page-flip effect and easy access from any device.
Do you publish magazines, journals or e-magazines? Prepare them with our online flipbook maker! Dubai escorts girls will reach a much wider audience and give your readers easy and quick access to your content on any device. The look and quality of digital flipbook magazines is very similar to that of printed materials, thanks to the realistic page flip effect. This is why the publishers are increasingly eager to use digital flipbooks to attract new readers.
With Publuu you can also embed your flipbook as an iframe in form of a sleek player. Your visitors will see the background and some additional options they could use. They will be able to easily switch to the full screen mode and use all the features like share, print, page thumbnails or PDF download. Get an alert every time your clients open your online flip book. Check out which pages they liked and which they interacted with, to significantly improve your sales results. Upload your PDF and flipbook maker will convert it into an HTML5 flipbook that can be instantly opened and shared, and will look and work amazingly on any device.